
All that is needed is political will: Zelensky calls on allies to defend Ukraine like Israel

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Decisive action by allies prevented terrorist success and loss of infrastructure in Israel, demonstrating that non-NATO Ukraine can defend itself as effectively through unity and political will, according to President Zelenskiy.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the decisive actions of the allies prevented the success of terror and the loss of infrastructure in Israel and made the aggressor cool down. The same is possible in the defense of Ukraine against terror, which, like Israel, is not a NATO member and does not require the activation of Article 5, only political will is enough, UNN reports.

Obviously, physical defense cannot completely protect some facilities from terrorist attacks. This can only be done by sufficiently effective air defense. We are grateful to those friends who understand this and quickly responded to our calls to support Ukraine's air shield. But the intensity of Russian attacks requires greater unity. By defending Israel, the free world has demonstrated that such unity is not only possible, but also one hundred percent effective. Decisive actions of the allies prevented the success of terror and the loss of infrastructure and forced the aggressor to cool down. The same is possible in protecting Ukraine, which, like Israel, is not a NATO member, from terror. And this does not require the activation of Article 5, only political will is enough 

- Zelensky said after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.


On Monday, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a regular meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Staff to discuss the situation at the front, energy issues, and the protection of critical infrastructure.


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