
“A threat to European security": EU condemns Iran's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia, Borrell announces new sanctions

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The EU strongly condemns Iran's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia, considering it a threat to European security. The EU is preparing new sanctions against Iran, including restrictions in the aviation sector.

The EU strongly condemns Iran's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia, considering it a threat to European security, and is preparing new sanctions against Tehran, including restrictions in the aviation sector, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said in a statement on behalf of the European Union, UNN reports.

The European Union strongly condemns the recent transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia. This transfer is a direct threat to European security and represents a significant material escalation of the supply of Iranian UAVs and munitions used by Russia in its illegal war of aggression against Ukraine

- the EU High Representative said in a statement.

The statement reads that "this comes in the midst of Russia's latest attacks on Ukraine, including with ballistic missiles and drones, which prove its clear determination to continue its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine and its people, in particular by targeting critical energy infrastructure in an effort to cause the maximum possible civilian casualties and widespread destruction." "Iran's ballistic missiles can now be used to cause further suffering and destruction in Ukraine," Borrell emphasized in the statement.

Франція, Німеччина та Британія виступили із заявою щодо поставок балістичних ракет Іраном росії: пообіцяли санкції10.09.24, 16:39

The European Union's position on Iran's participation in Russia's war has always been clear. The European Union has repeatedly warned Iran against transferring ballistic missiles to Russia. The European Union will respond swiftly and in coordination with international partners, including by introducing new and substantial restrictive measures against Iran, including individuals and entities involved in Iran's ballistic missile and drone programs, and in this regard is also considering restrictive measures in Iran's aviation sector

- emphasized the head of EU diplomacy.

ЄС готує відповідь на постачання іранських ракет росії, Боррель уже надав пропозиції - речник Єврокомісії12.09.24, 15:18

Julia Shramko



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