
A record batch of methamphetamine worth 22 million euros seized in the Netherlands

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Customs officers in the port of Rotterdam found 3.2 tons of methamphetamine hidden in sandbags. This is the largest consignment of the drug seized in the history of the Netherlands, with an estimated value of €22.4 million.

Dutch customs officers have seized a batch of methamphetamine weighing more than 3.2 tons and worth more than 22 million euros, which is considered the largest in the country's history. This was reported by the Dutch Prosecutor's Office, UNN reports .


“In early March 2024, during an inspection at the port of Rotterdam, customs found a large amount of methamphetamine, also known as Crystal Meth. It was hidden in large bags filled with what looked like sand. The shipment came from Mexico and was intended for a company in the town of Den Hout. It turned out that it was a shipment of Crystal Meth weighing more than 3,200 kilograms with a trade value of 22.4 million euros. This is the largest seizure of Crystal Meth in the Netherlands to date,” the statement said.

It is noted that a 55-year-old man from Den Haute was detained during the investigation. He has now been released, but remains a suspect in the investigation.

Customs officers found the drug consignment in early March, but it became known only now because the drugs were hidden in sandy soil, which turned out to be heavily contaminated with copper and PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances). Therefore, customs officers were looking for a way to destroy the drug shipment for a long time. This was done only last week. After that, the information became available to the public.

Цьогоріч в декілька разів зросла кількість наркотиків, які намагались провезти через кордон України - Держмитслужба25.07.24, 16:48


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