
ZNPP power supply line damaged by Russian missile attack restored, two lines are in operation again - Energoatom

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Ukrainian power engineers restored the damaged 750 kV power line to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, connecting it to the Ukrainian grid via two power lines after a Russian missile attack.

In a matter of hours, Ukrainian power engineers restored the power line to Zaporizhzhia NPP's OHL-750kV Dniprovska, which was damaged this morning during a massive Russian missile attack, and two power lines are again connecting the plant to the united energy system of Ukraine, NNEGC Energoatom reported on Friday, UNN reports.

On March 22, Ukrainian power engineers restored the operation of the external overhead line of the 750kV Dniprovska power line, which was damaged this morning during a massive rocket attack by the Russian Federation. The temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP is now connected to the united power system of Ukraine by two power lines: "Zaporizhzhia TPP-Ferrosplavna with a voltage of 330 kV and Dniprovska, which provide power for the plant's own needs

- Energoatom reported on Telegram.

Запорізька АЕС на межі блекауту22.03.24, 07:00


According to Energoatom, since the beginning of the Russian occupation, Zaporizhzhia NPP has already experienced eight full blackouts and one partial blackout, with the launch of emergency diesel generators and safety systems. Their failure threatens to cause an emergency.


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