
Zelensky meets with business representatives in Volyn: discusses regional security and energy

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The President thanked the manufacturers for supporting the economy and discussed energy and security issues. Volyn entrepreneurs will receive UAH 1.6 billion in support under the 'Made in Ukraine' platform.

On Tuesday, July 30, during a working visit to Volyn, President  Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with manufacturers as part of the Made in Ukraine economic platform. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Presidential Office.


I would like to thank you for the jobs, for being in Ukraine, for supporting the Ukrainian economy, for being real taxpayers. This is very important for the country to live and develop

- The president said. 

Special attention was paid to energy and security issues in the region. Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the situation in the energy sector would not be easy as long as the war was ongoing, but the government was doing everything possible to improve it.

The President also emphasized that the enemy is trying to sow panic in the border regions and called for trusting only Ukrainian official sources of information.


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko said that this year Volyn entrepreneurs will be able to receive UAH 1.6 billion through the Made in Ukraine platform.

These include grants, loan programs, compensation for domestic agricultural machinery, and more than UAH 20 million in subventions for the purchase of school buses produced in the region.

Today, supporting domestic producers is a matter of our security, not just economic security. After all, up to 40% of the purchase of Ukrainian goods goes back to Ukrainians in the form of salaries, taxes and fees. And it is thanks to business that we have the resources to support our security and defense sector

- said Yulia Svyrydenko.


Also during his visit to Volyn, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited a light industry company that specializes in the manufacture of textiles.

Last year, this production was one of the five largest taxpayers to the local budget and one of the three most efficient enterprises in its industry.

Зеленський зустрівся з бізнесом на Полтавщині та пообіцяв зробити все для посилення ППО регіону29.07.24, 22:00


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In Volyn, Zelenskyy visits an enterprise that is among the five largest taxpayers

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