On December 8, Ukraine will experience mostly cloudy weather, with some precipitation in the West and South. This is reported by Ukrhydrometcenter, reports UNN.
In Kiev, the air temperature will range from +1 to +3°C, light rain is expected. Lviv will also have a similar temperature, but without significant precipitation. In Dnipro, it will be cloudy, with a temperature of +1..+3°C and dry weather. Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk will have a cloudy day with temperatures in the range of 0..+4°C and no precipitation.
In the south of the country in Odessa, warmer weather is expected – +8..+10°C, accompanied by light rain. Melitopol predicts +5..+7°C, cloudy and dry. Simferopol is the warmest city in Ukraine – +11..+13°C, cloudy weather is expected here, with no precipitation.
In general, the daytime temperature in the country will vary within +3..+5°C.
Погода в Україні: від мокрого снігу до +11°C - де сьогодні буде найтепліше 07.12.24, 07:45