
"We cannot afford any further delays": White House urges Congress to approve aid to Ukraine to strengthen air defense amid Russian attacks

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Russia conducted one of the largest air strikes on Ukraine's energy system, depriving many people of heat, water and electricity, so the White House urged the House of Representatives to pass an aid bill for Ukraine without delay.

The White House has once again called on the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bill providing further support for Ukraine, including to strengthen air defense against the backdrop of Russian attacks, emphasizing that further delays cannot be afforded. This statement was made by the US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson on March 29, UNN reports.


Watson noted that on the night of March 29, "Russia carried out one of the largest air strikes on Ukraine's energy grid since the war began, depriving many people across the country of heat, water and electricity during the still cold days of early spring." "This shelling - part of a series of Russian attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure - is a chilling reminder of Vladimir Putin's efforts to break the spirit of the Ukrainian people and plunge them into darkness," she said.

To help Ukraine protect against these ongoing attacks, we need the House of Representatives to pass the bipartisan national security supplemental bill so we can send Ukraine more air defenses. Ukraine’s need is urgent, and we cannot afford any further delays

- Watson emphasized.

Через атаку рф є пошкодження енергоінфраструктури у 6 областях, є аварійні відключення - Шмигаль29.03.24, 09:58


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