
Unsuccessful landing of the subversive group: Center for Countering Disinformation refutes russian fake about landing in Kherson region

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russian sabotage groups unsuccessfully attempted to land on the Ukrainian-controlled right bank of the Kherson region, but the russian media falsely presented it as a successful "landing" operation.

Recently, the occupation forces have unsuccessfully attempted to land a group of subversive reconnaissance groups on the Ukrainian-controlled right bank of the Kherson region. However, the russian media presented this information as a "landing" in the Kherson region. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation, according to UNN


It is noted that the russian media , citing Kherson collaborator and gauleiter Volodymyr Saldo, spread information about a "landing" on the territory controlled by Ukraine near the Antonivskyi bridge on the right bank of the Kherson region.

The propagandists claim that enemy paratroopers engaged the Ukrainian military and succeeded. They compare this operation to the successful landing of the Soviet army in the same place during World War II.

This information is fake. As reported by the Southern Ukrainian Defense Forces, in fact, the Ukrainian military met with heavy fire a russian subversive reconnaissance group that was trying to attack our positions by boat. The russians retreated with significant losses

- said the Center for Countering Disinformation.

У білорусі оголосили нові військові навчання: у ЦПД наголошують, загрози вторгнення в Україну немає11.03.24, 12:48


The CPA emphasizes that with such fakes, russia wants to sow decadent moods among Ukrainians and demoralize our military.

In addition, by drawing parallels with the events of World War II, propagandists are once again trying to justify the aggression against Ukraine by "fighting Nazism.


The Sumy Regional Military Administration denied the fake news about a possible massive offensive by russian troops in Sumy region, stating that there are currently no enemy strike groups near the region's borders.


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