
Two dealers were detained in Kropyvnytskyi and Poltava region for trying to export components for combat aircraft

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Two men were detained in Kropyvnytskyi and Poltava regions for attempting to illegally export high-tech aviation equipment, including sighting systems and spare parts for combat aircraft and helicopters.

Law enforcement officers detained two men in Kropyvnytskyi and Poltava region who wanted to export high-tech aircraft equipment, including sighting systems for combat aircraft, from Ukraine. This was reported by the SBU press service on Wednesday, UNN reports

 In Kropyvnytskyi, a local resident who planned to set up an international channel for the illegal transportation of military goods abroad was detained. According to the SBU, the dealer tried to sell components for the optoelectronic guidance system of MiG-29 fighters to the EU.

In order to send the "parcel" abroad, he wanted to arrange it through a popular postal service, providing false information in the customs declaration. SBU officers  detained him on the attempt to send the aircraft equipment. 

Reportedly, the defendant's clients were "buyers" of technological equipment who wanted to resell it for a higher price.

Постачав комплектуючі військово-космічним силам рф: у ГУР прокоментували пожежу на московському заводі13.02.24, 17:50

Also in Poltava region, law enforcement officers exposed another dealer who wanted to sell spare parts for aircraft abroad. First of all, it was about components for Mi-24 attack helicopters and Ka-27 naval helicopters.

To find customers, the offender placed online advertisements on international trading platforms. Having found a foreign "customer", the offender prepared a mail shipment for him, which he registered as "civilian" equipment.

SBU officers detained the dealer while he was sending the "parcel". A search of his apartment revealed additional equipment that the suspect was preparing to send abroad.

Based on the collected evidence, the SBU investigators served the offenders a notice of suspicion under Part 1 Art. 333 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The offenders face imprisonment.


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