
Tusk hopes that Poland's new government will be sworn in on Wednesday, join the EU summit, and then establish relations with Ukraine

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The candidate for Donald Tusk, a candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Poland from the opposition parties, said, that the process of forming a new government is active: he hopes that the Sejm will elect a new prime minister and the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, and the swearing-in ceremony should take place on Wednesday. the swearing-in ceremony should take place on Wednesday. The Polish government will then join the EU summit in Brussels. Ukraine will also be will also be in the focus of attention - the future Polish government will address the problems of Ukrainian-Polish relations, while the EU summit will discuss assistance and membership prospects for Ukraine.

  This was reported by UNN with reference to the Voice of America and Rzeczpospolita.


On Friday, December 8 December, a candidate for prime minister of Poland said that the process of forming a new government was already already underway and expressed hope that the new cabinet would be voted for on Tuesday, December 12. December 12, and Tusk expects the government to be sworn in on Wednesday, as important Brussels will make important decisions for Poland.

We assume that on Tuesday, the Sejm will decide to elect a new prime minister and a new composition of the Council of Ministers. I hope that the swearing-in ceremony of the new government will take place on Wednesday, because in just a few hours, very important decisions will be made in Brussels from the point of view of Polish interests 

- Tusk said after meeting with candidates for the posts of ministers of his government.

At a meeting with journalists on Friday, Tusk also said that in the new Polish government, work between ministers should be flexible - teams will be created to teams will be created to solve problems. In addition, according to him, the new government will will solve the problems that have recently arisen between Warsaw and Kyiv.

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It should be noted that the EU summit on December 14-15, which Tusk emphasized today as important for Poland, should, among other things, also consider the possibility of starting negotiations on Ukraine's membership and agreeing on a program of European program of European assistance to Ukraine worth 50 billion euros, which is designed for several years.


As the Voice of America notes, friction between Ukraine and the America" notes that friction between Ukraine and Poland on some issues has become particularly noticeable this year, despite the despite the important role of Poland in ensuring the transit of aid, protection from Russian invasion and providing from Russian invasion and providing shelter to a huge number of Ukrainian refugees.

To recap

To the new government of The new government of Poland, headed by Donald Tusk, which will be presented on Friday, December 8, will include 19 heads of ministries and at least four cabinet ministers.

Earlier, UNN reported earlier that Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is seeking the return of EU permits to restrict Ukrainian truckers, citing unfair competition from which their Polish and Slovak colleagues suffer.

SEE ALSO: Protest on the border with Poland: up to 100 empty trucks were allowed to cross the "Uhryniv per day, about 270 in the queue

Ihor Telezhnikov



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