
They discussed the protection of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners in russia: Lubinets meets with Turkish counterpart

 • 22525 переглядiв

Dmytro Lubinets met with his Turkish counterpart, Şeref Malkoç, to discuss the protection of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners of war, with the participation of about 800 people, including relatives of detainees and released Ukrainians, who shared their experiences of torture and violations in russian captivity.

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets met with his Turkish counterpart to discuss the protection of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners of war and illegally detained civilians. This is reported by UNN with reference to Lubinets' statement on the Telegram channel.

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Lubinets said that on March 26, he had his first meeting with Turkey's Ombudsman , Şeref Malkoç. Almost 800 people joined the meeting, which was one of the largest meetings. 

The Ukrainian ombudsman emphasized that Turkey has repeatedly helped Kyiv communicate with the russian side on the issue of returning Ukrainians home, including the transfer of lists to the russian side.

Омбудсмен: рф блокує візити МКЧХ до українських військовополонених19.03.24, 14:20

I also emphasized that we want the Turkish side to raise the issue of mixed medical commissions. After all, Ukraine has created them and wants the relevant commissions to be created in russia as well

- noted the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

In his turn, the Chief Ombudsman of Turkey, Şeref Malkoç, noted our cooperation to resolve the issue of the return of Ukrainians and that two meetings in a trilateral format had taken place, in which the russian Ombudsman participated.

Then, according to him, certain agreements were reached, which were handed over to the presidents of the three countries: Turkey, Ukraine and russia. And then there were important events that took place with the return home of Ukrainian defenders

- Lubinets said.

During the event, relatives of Ukrainian defenders and civilians raised a number of issues and proposals, including the terrorist attack in Olenivka and the downing of the IL-76 aircraft, torture and violation of the rights of Ukrainians in russian captivity, and the illegal conviction of Ukrainians. 

"Кадирівці" купують у росіян українських військовополонених, щоб потім обміняти їх на своїх бійців - The Times07.03.24, 12:30


It is noted that the meeting was attended by relatives of the defenders who have been in captivity since 2014 and soldiers who were captured after the start of the full-scale invasion.

Also present  were relatives of servicemen and civilians who went missing under special circumstances during russia's war against Ukraine. At the same time, relatives of civilians illegally detained and convicted by russia, as well as detained and convicted Crimean Tatars and political prisoners, joined the event.

The meeting was also joined by Ukrainian defenders released from captivity and civilians released from illegal detention by russia. In particular, one of the soldiers was held in Olenivka and later transferred to another place of captivity. He told representatives of the international community about the torture and murder of Ukrainians in russian captivity 

- Lubinets said.


Executive director of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Oleksandr Pavlichenko said that more than 4,000 criminal cases have been opened against Ukrainian prisoners of war in russia , of which more than 200 have already been convicted

Уряд затвердив нову систему щодо звільнення полонених українців з рф: завдання покладені на спеціальний Коордштаб27.02.24, 16:54


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