
"They are directly performing combat missions": Syrsky shows footage of visit to Ukrainian soldiers

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Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi awarded servicemen in the area of Joint Forces Operation "Khortytsia"

The Commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi, visited the servicemen who are performing combat missions in the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia Joint Forces Operation and presented them with state awards. He reported this on his Telegram channel, UNN reports.

He visited our servicemen who are directly performing combat missions in the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia operational and strategic grouping of troops

- Syrsky wrote.

In gratitude for the exemplary performance of military duty, he presented state awards, insignia from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Commander of the Land Forces and valuable gifts to the servicemen who are defending our country despite the cold and the enemy's numerical superiority.

"Our soldiers have been holding the line on various frontlines for years. What they are doing today is extremely important for the future victory. Together, we will definitely defeat the enemy!", - said Syrsky. 

Декілька днів на передовій: Залужний зустрівся з командирами бригад з Запоріжжя, Донеччини та Херсонщини14.01.24, 10:00

Anna Onishchenko



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