
There is no catastrophe, but it will not be possible to ignore the problems - Budanov on the threat of an offensive from the North

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There are problems that tend to worsen, but there is no catastrophic situation regarding the threat of an offensive from the North yet, said Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate.

The head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, confirmed the existence of problems that tend to worsen, but assured that there is no catastrophic situation at the moment. He made these comments after a journalist asked him about the possible impact of the Kremlin's plans to mobilize 300,000 Russians on future offensives in the east and north.

"Let's put it this way: there are problems, they tend to get worse," Budanov said, adding, "there is no catastrophe, but it is impossible not to see the problems.

This answer was given after a journalist asked whether the Kremlin's plans to mobilize 300,000 Russians would affect the occupiers' offensive in the east and north in the near future.

"You know, this is a bit of an anecdotal situation for me. For two years, when everyone was shouting that there would be an attack from the north, we were telling everyone that it would not happen. Nothing happened. The moment we said that there would be an attack from the north, everyone immediately said, "Maybe not?" - Budanov replied.

However, the head of the DIU did not specify which areas in the north he was talking about.

"I've already told someone from the Western press that I won't have much good news this year, unfortunately," Budanov stated.

Обстановка на кордоні з білоруссю повністю контрольована, прикордонники не відмічають переміщення техніки та сил ворога - Демченко11.07.24, 10:17


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