
There is no baby boom yet, but it is expected very soon: polar explorers counted 750 penguin chicks near the Akademik Vernadsky station

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Biologist Vadym Tkachenko counted 750 penguin chicks near the Ukrainian Antarctic station, which is only 16% of the eggs hatched. The real increase in chicks is expected in mid-January.

Biologist Vadym Tkachenko counted more than 750 penguin chicks near the Ukrainian Akademik Vernadsky station in the Arctic. This was reported by the National Antarctic Research Center, UNN reports.


According to the center, biologist Vadym Tkachenko counted more than 750 chicks of sub-Antarctic penguins on Galindez Island, which is only 16% of the total number of eggs laid.

"So it's too early to talk about a real baby boom. According to the scientist, it will begin in mid-January, when the number of babies should increase dramatically. Among the penguins, there are very small chicks, and there are those that have grown up quite a bit and are catching up with their parents in size. In particular, the adult chicks on Island 6 are those that hatched from the first eggs laid in early November," the report says.

The center emphasizes that the rest of the penguin cubs will definitely remain in the nests for several more weeks under the constant care of one of their parents.


Antarctica is expecting a penguin baby boom this year. Photos of penguins from the first brood were posted on the Facebook page of the National Antarctic Science Center.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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