
The situation in the energy sector is more complicated now than in previous weeks: the Ministry of Energy has clarified

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Ukraine's energy system is in a critical state due to massive Russian attacks on energy facilities, high temperatures that have increased consumption, and power plant outages that have led to four consecutive nationwide blackouts.

Ukraine's power grid is in a serious condition due to massive attacks on energy facilities and high temperatures, which has led to four rounds of blackouts across the country. This was reported by Deputy Energy Minister Svitlana Hrynchuk on the air of "We are Ukraine" TV channel, UNN reports.

"The situation today is even more complicated than in the previous days and weeks because we see how difficult the situation remains in almost the entire energy system due to massive Russian attacks on energy facilities, significant losses, and almost daily additional, albeit smaller, damage to both networks and power lines. All this leads to the fact that the energy system is really going through difficult times," - noted Ms. Hrynchuk.

Шмигаль про обмеження електроенергії: після 20 липня розраховуємо на покращення ситуації09.07.24, 15:45

In addition, a repair campaign is underway at all facilities and maintenance is underway to prepare for the heating season. 

"In addition, we see a terrible heat wave outside, and this also affects the growth of consumption and, unfortunately, the increase in the deficit in the energy system," she said. 

Due to the disruption of operations at one of the energy facilities, additional emergency shutdown schedules were also applied. 

"Our power engineers tried to put the equipment in order as soon as possible, and now it is in operation, working, and the last technological processes are being adjusted. And we hope that in a very short period of time we will abandon the emergency outage schedules and stabilize the power system more in order to ease the situation for all consumers," - summarized Ms. Hrynchuk.

Україна отримає 200 млн євро від ЄБРР на посилення енергетичної безпеки та створення стратегічних запасів газу16.07.24, 18:53

Antonina Tumanova



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