
The Ministry of Reintegration explained who should submit military registration documents when applying to a university

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Men aged 17-60 and some categories of women must submit military registration documents when applying to universities. Internally displaced persons are required to register for military service at their new place of residence.

All men between the ages of 17 and 60 must provide military registration data when enrolling in higher education institutions. This also applies to certain categories of women. This was stated by the Ministry of Reintegration, UNN reports.


Yes, military registration documents are submitted to the admissions committees of educational institutions when enrolling for study:

  • men who turn 17 in 2024 and are under the age of 60;
  • women who have graduated from vocational (vocational-technical), professional pre-university or higher education institutions and have obtained a medical or pharmaceutical specialty (in case the education will be based on the obtained education in medical or pharmaceutical specialties) or women who declare themselves liable for military service.

A military registration document may be issued in paper or electronic form

- the ministry emphasizes. 

Also, during mobilization and/or during martial law, conscripts and persons liable for military service who have left their place of residence are obliged to register as internally displaced persons within seven days from the date of registration:

1. Register for military service at the territorial center for recruitment and social support at the place of IDP registration.

2. Provide a military registration document with information on being registered with the military at the place of IDP registration.

Entrants from among pre-conscripts who are subject to military registration and have moved abroad from territories not defined by the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 801 of July 9, 2024, must return to Ukraine for military registration and registration of military registration documents

- summarized in the Ministry of Reintegration. 


Rectors of higher education institutions in Volyn will provide the regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support with lists of expelled persons who have not met the conditions for enrollment.


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