
The government will reallocate 5.5 billion UAH to strengthen defense and eliminate the consequences of Russian attacks

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The Government ordered to reallocate UAH 5.5 billion from public debt service to increase funding for the elimination of the consequences of Russian aggression and strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities.

The government will reallocate funds allocated to strengthen the state's defense capabilities and to eliminate the consequences of emergencies due to Russian attacks. We are talking about UAH 5.5 billion. This was reported by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine , UNN reports.

Today, on April 23, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decree that provides for the redistribution of UAH 5.5 billion to increase the expenditures of the state budget reserve fund by reducing the expenditures on public debt service.

- the Ministry of Finance said in a statement.


It is noted that the relevant changes should ensure funding for various unforeseen measures, in particular those related to the elimination of the consequences of emergencies caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and strengthening the state's defense capabilities.

Очищення ґрунту та річок: на Харківщині триває ліквідація наслідків атаки росіян на нафтобазу13.03.24, 14:13


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