
Stoltenberg expects allies to agree to a strong statement on Ukraine's NATO membership

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expects allies to agree on a strong statement on Ukraine's membership in NATO, but the specific wording is still under discussion.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that he expects the allies to agree on a strong statement on Ukraine's membership in NATO. But the Alliance members' statement has not yet been agreed, it is under discussion, UNN reports.

Asked whether Ukraine's path to NATO should be irreversible and whether this should be explicitly stated in the summit declaration, Stoltenberg said: "On the exact wording: I expect the allies to agree to a strong statement on Ukraine's membership. But on the specific wording, I will refrain from commenting - until we agree on a statement. As we speak, it is under discussion.

He expressed confidence that a statement would be agreed today and then he could go into the details of the wording.


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg hopesthat Ukraine will become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance in the next 10 years.

President Vladimir Zelensky statedthat he expects very concrete steps from partners from the NATO summit.

Anna Murashko



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