
Russians attacked frontline Gulyaypole in Zaporizhzhia region, wounding a woman - RMA

 • 20128 переглядiв

A 46-year-old woman was wounded during Russian artillery shelling of the frontline town of Gulyaypole in the yard of her own house, and was taken to the hospital.

Russian troops shelled the frontline town of Gulyaypole in Zaporizhzhia region with artillery, a 46-year-old woman was wounded in the yard of her house and taken to hospital, the head of Zaporizhzhia RMA Ivan Fedorov said on Thursday, UNN reports.

Russians shelled the frontline village of Hulyaypole with artillery and wounded a 46-year-old woman. It happened in the yard of her own home. The woman was taken to the hospital

- Fedorov wrote on Telegram.

The head of the Zaporizhzhia RMA emphasized that the enemy attacks civilian infrastructure and civilians in Zaporizhzhia region every day. "So we are ensuring that residents leave for a safer place," he said.

рф нанесла 421 удар по Запорізькій області: ворожі атаки пошкодили енергетичний об'єкт 11.04.24, 08:07

Julia Shramko



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