
Russian Foreign Ministry comments on Iran's attack on Israel: calls for "restraint"

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The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concern over Iran's massive attack on Israel using about 300 drones and missiles, calling on all parties to exercise restraint and resolve the issue through political and diplomatic means.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concern over Iran's attack on Israel, as it will increase the risk of escalation in the region and called on all parties to exercise restraint, UNN reports, citing an official statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

We express our extreme concern over another dangerous escalation in the region. We call on all parties involved to exercise restraint. We trust that regional states will resolve the existing problems by political and diplomatic means. We believe it is important that constructive international players contribute to this

- the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


Iran launched a massive attack on Israel, using about 300 drones and missiles. This was strongly condemned, in particular, by the EU and European countries.

Meanwhile, analysts at the Institute for the Study of War ISW said that the pattern of the Iranian attack on Israel on the night of April 14 is similar to the strikes that Russia has repeatedly carried out in Ukraine.

Байден збирає лідерів країн "Групи Семи" через іранську атаку на Ізраїль 14.04.24, 09:54


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