In Kyiv, a 19-year-old man robbed a colleague with whom he was working at a construction site because he thought he was “working harder”. Now he faces up to ten years in prison. UNN reports this with reference to the Kyiv police.
According to law enforcement, the 54-year-old victim and his 19-year-old partner were working at a construction site in the capital. After finishing the work, the young man decided that he had worked harder than his colleague, so he decided to take his earnings for himself. The guy waited until the man left the construction site, caught up with him and snatched his wallet with money and documents, and then fled in an unknown direction.
The operatives quickly located the suspect and detained him. The law enforcement seized from the criminal a wallet with the victim's money and documents.
The 19-year-old Kyiv resident was served a notice of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 186 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces up to ten years in prison.
Під Києвом орендар застрелив власника житла та втік на його авто - поліція28.12.24, 14:00