
Occupants in Kherson region threaten not to take out garbage for those who do not have Russian passports - National Resistance Center

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Russians are forcing local residents of the occupied Kherson region to obtain Russian passports, making garbage collection dependent on having a Russian passport and registering a company.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region, Russians are resorting to another blackmail to force the local population to obtain a Russian passport, UNN reports with reference to the Center for National Resistance.


According to the Center, the Russians have created an "environmental operator" that will be engaged in garbage collection, but now both individuals and legal entities need to sign a contract with it. Otherwise, the garbage will not be removed.

На окупованій Херсонщині можлива епідемія – Центр національного спротиву03.07.23, 02:24 • [views_534375]

"However, to conclude a contract, you need to have a Russian passport and the right to own housing. In the case of legal entities, it is necessary to provide a Russian company registration. Thus, garbage collection is another element of pressure on private households to force owners to integrate into the Russian legal framework," the statement said.

Ворог перекидає своїх військових з Херсонщини на Харківщину - Центр нацспротиву08.06.24, 15:12

The Center of National Resistance noted that the management of the "operator", which is actually working for the forced passportization of the population of the occupied territories, will be held accountable under the current legislation.

Antonina Tumanova



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