
No specific threats to Paris Olympics, about one million people have already been checked - French Interior Ministry

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The French Interior Ministry said there were no specific threats to the Olympic Games in Paris. About one million people have been checked, more than 4,000 potential participants are not allowed to participate in the Games.

No specific threats have been identified to the upcoming Olympics in Paris . Admission to the Games has been denied to more than 4,000 potential competitors. Approximately one million people have been vetted.

Writes UNN citing Euronews and Zeit.


According to French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, about a million checks have been carried out on Olympic volunteers, workers and others involved in the Games, as well as applicants for passes to enter Paris' most tightly controlled security zone along the banks of the Seine.

There are no specific threats to the Olympic Games according to French or foreign intelligence services, friends and partners who are helping us. We are extremely attentive today, obviously, to every even minor signal, as we say in intelligence. But we don't have a clear threat,” said Gerald Darmanen.

Макрон откладывает назначение нового правительства до завершения Олимпиады24.07.2024, 05:07

The inspections yielded results:

4,355 people were excluded during the inspections.

Among them:

880 people on suspicion of foreign interference;

360 people under the “obligation to leave French territory”;

142 people “on File S”.

The expelled also include 260 people on the list of supporters of radical Islamism, 186 people on the ultra-left list and 96 people on the ultra-right list.

Французские Альпы выбраны местом проведения зимней Олимпиады-203024.07.2024, 15:35


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