
More than 1,000 amendments have been submitted to the draft law banning religious organizations affiliated with russia

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More than 1,000 amendments have been submitted to the draft law banning religious organizations affiliated with russia, which are awaiting expert review before being put to a vote in parliament.

More than 1,000 amendments have been submitted to the bill No. 8371 on the ban on religious organizations associated with russia. This was announced by MP, first deputy chairman of the Regulatory Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Serhiy Yevtushok during a telethon, a correspondent of UNN reports.

Only one draft law has been voted on, and it has already been developed in the committee. About a thousand amendments have been submitted as of today. The draft law has already passed the committee and is awaiting an expert opinion. That is, our Main Scientific and Expert Department should provide a table that will allow us to find out and analyze all the amendments that were approved in the committee. Then the draft law will be put on the agenda and then we will go through the amendments. I assume that this draft law will not be passed by amendments, but, for example, as the law on mobilization was passed, in blocks

- Yevtushok said.

Asked when the draft law might be put to a vote as a whole, Yevtushok said it would happen after the Main Scientific and Expert Department provides a table. "We will look at their comments and then this draft law can be considered on the agenda," he said.


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine registered the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Activities of Religious Organizations in Ukraine" (No. 8371) in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in January 2013.

It was reported that the draft law is aimed at ensuring spiritual independence, preventing a split in society on religious grounds, promoting the consolidation of Ukrainian society and protecting national interests.

The draft law provided for amendments to the laws "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations" and "On State Registration of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations", which would make it impossible for religious organizations to operate in Ukraine if their governing center (management) is located outside Ukraine in a state that carries out armed aggression against Ukraine.

It was adopted in the first reading last October.

Синод ПЦУ закликав якнайшвидше ухвалити закон про заборону УПЦ МП в Україні 08.03.24, 12:19


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