
Mobilization in Ukraine: in July, summonses will be sent by mail

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The Ministry of Defense said that in July, conscription notices will be sent by regular mail in Ukraine.

Next month, conscription notices will be sent by regular mail in Ukraine. This was stated by Defense Ministry spokesman Dmytro Lazutkin during a telethon, UNN reports .


According to him, after July 16, after the statutory period of 60 days for clarification of military registration data expires, the summonses may be sent by mail. 

After July 16, summonses will indeed be sent by registered mail. Currently, a summons is considered to be delivered if a person signs it in person, then yes," said the Defense Ministry spokesman.

Lazutkin also clarified the algorithm for delivering summonses by mail after July 16.

A registered letter arrives, the person either receives it against a signature or refuses to sign it again, or it is returned, and thus it is again considered to have been delivered. (...) If the person was not physically present and returns, then the mechanism of an administrative offense is triggered," Lazutkin explained.

Уряд вніс зміни до порядку ведення військового обліку: хто не проходитиме ВЛК 13.06.24, 10:25

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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