
Latvia's Foreign Minister Braže: Ukraine's victory is a common goal for all of us

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During the meeting in Vilnius, Latvian and Lithuanian officials discussed security issues, support for Ukraine's right to strike Russian targets, cooperation within the EU and NATO, and the importance of the Rail Baltica project for regional connectivity and defense. The Baltic states believe that their common goal is to support Ukraine in its efforts to counter russian aggression and achieve victory.

The Baltic states consider Ukraine's victory in the war against the russian occupiers to be their common goal. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, UNN reports.


On May 10, 2024, Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže paid a working visit to Lithuania, where she met with Speaker of the Seimas Victoria Čmilite-Nielsen and Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis in Vilnius.

The meeting focused on topical issues of bilateral and regional cooperation, the security situation in the Baltic region, support for Ukraine and other global challenges.

Special attention was paid to strategic energy and infrastructure projects, including RailBaltic.

Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže emphasized Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russian aggression and to use military force in accordance with international law.

Ukraine has the right to use Western-supplied weapons to strike military targets on russian territory from which russia is attacking Ukraine, as defined by international law. Ukraine may strike targets not only on the sovereign territory of Ukraine, but also in places from which russia attacks it

- said Baiba Brazier.

Officials discussed further steps to put pressure on russia, including sanctions and prosecution for its actions against Ukraine.

Ukraine is a priority for all Baltic states - Ukraine's victory is a common goal for all of us. At the same time, in the current geopolitical situation, when we can observe various actions of russia's hybrid warfare every day, Latvia, the entire Baltic and Nordic region together must be forward-looking and coordinated to strengthen security, including societal resilience, cooperation in the implementation of strategic infrastructure projects, etc. This is our greatest responsibility

- emphasized Baiba Brazier.

They also agreed that regional connectivity is critical and the Rail Baltica project is crucial for mobility and military defense.

Regarding the upcoming NATO summit, Latvian and Lithuanian leaders agreed on the need to reach 2% of GDP for defense and to strengthen the allies' presence in the region.

Скібіцький: Росія може взяти країни Балтії за сім днів, а НАТО відреагує за 10 днів03.05.24, 08:15

Julia Kotvitskaya



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