
Kherson regional council deputy detained for preparing seized hospitals for Russian military

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A suspect in cooperation with the governor of Kherson region, Volodymyr Saldo, who opened Russian military hospitals in seized hospitals, was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine. This is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine in Kherson region.


The Security Service detained a collaborator who collaborated with Russia during the occupation of Kherson: as the head of the so-called "health care department", under the personal patronage of Saldo, she organized the conversion of seized hospitals into military hospitals for wounded representatives of the aggressor country.

The suspect was a current member of the local regional council. It is stated that after the seizure of the regional center, she supported the Russian invaders and offered them her assistance in the war against Ukraine.

Among other things, the official was engaged in the supply of medicines for Russian troops and the occupation authorities of the aggressor country.

To keep herself hidden, she chose a pseudonym, which she used during her subversive activities in favor of the Russian Federation.

Репресії на загарбаних територіях: За спротив агресору засуджують місцевих - Федоров13.03.24, 02:12

After Kherson was liberated, the defendant remained in the city, hoping to avoid justice by positioning herself "outside politics"; later she planned to flee to the temporarily occupied Crimea under an assumed name.

The SBU exposed the collaborator in a timely manner and detained her - she was served a notice of suspicion under Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The MP is in custody. She faces up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.


The SBU neutralized another network of pro-Kremlin agitatorsoperating in different regions of Ukraine. Among the defendants is an associate of the collaborator Montyan.

Діяла під прикриттям УПЦ (МП) і поширювала прокремлівську пропаганду: в Україні викрили наймасштабнішу агентурну мережу фсб12.03.24, 15:16


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