
Jerusalem Post: Massive explosion hits Tel Aviv city center

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An explosion occurs in the center of Tel Aviv at the corner of Ben Yehuda and Shalom Aleichem streets. Two people were injured, the cause of the explosion is unknown, some media outlets report a drone near the US Embassy.

Residents of Tel Aviv report an explosion that took place in the city, the Jerusalem Post newspaper reports UNN. The explosion probably occurred at the corner of Ben Yehuda and Shalom Aleichem streets.


Residents living near the scene said that the explosion smashed household items in their homes. According to media reports, a man and a woman were injured and hospitalized.

The cause of the explosion is not yet known.

At the same time, a number of media outlets report that the explosion occurred 100 meters from the US Embassy when a drone flew up to it.

Ізраїльські військові ліквідували заступника командира батальйону ХАМАС Аймана Швейду в результаті авіаудару в Газі12.07.24, 23:33

Lilia Podolyak



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