
It is inexpedient to rename Brovary now, MP Vitalii Bezghin is not ready to support the relevant resolution

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MP Vitalii Bezghin believes that it is inappropriate to rename Brovary now and is not ready to support the relevant resolution.

At this time, the issue of renaming Brovary to Brovary should not be raised. This opinion was expressed in a commentary to UNN by Ukrainian MP Vitaliy Bezgin, who does not plan to vote for the relevant resolution.

The MP explained that based on the law on decommunization, two resolutions were drafted to change the names of settlements. Lozynskyi introduced a separate resolution to rename Brovary to Brovary.

At the same time, Bezgin noted that he has doubts about whether it is worth changing the name of this particular settlement.

"In 2023, a law was passed on decommunization, which provided for the correction of the names of settlements. There are two categories. One category is directly the issue of Russian, imperial names and so on, and the other category is what the Institute of State Language Standards considers to be inconsistent with Ukrainian speech. On the basis of this, local governments had about six months to submit their proposals directly to the parliament, and then the committee considered them. In cases where they did not submit, we usually relied on the expertise of the Institute of National Memory. On the basis of these reviews, two resolutions were drafted: one specifically on imperial names and decommunization, and the other specifically on state language standards. Brovary is not included in either resolution; Brovary was registered in a separate resolution by Roman Lozynsky, who is the head of the decommunization subcommittee.

As for my personal position, I spoke at the committee and asked not to include this name in the general resolution on standards, I have doubts that it is worth going into this renaming, that is, I am not ready to support it," Vitaliy Bezgin said.

Перейменування Броварів: іспит з демократії для Верховної Ради16.07.24, 16:29

As for taking into account the position of Brovary residents who oppose the renaming, the MP believes that this is not always a convincing argument. He motivates his position by the fact that residents of cities with openly Soviet or imperial names also oppose renaming. At the same time, he agrees that the issue of renaming Brovary is controversial.

"From the point of view of the standards of the state language, it (renaming Brovary - ed.) falls within the scope of the standards, although I agree with you that it is controversial. But there is a parliamentary consideration: if there is no majority of votes, the current name will remain, if there is, there will be a renaming. Each parliamentarian will have an argument for or against it before the parliamentary consideration. Personally, I do not believe that it is advisable to rename Brovary now," the MP added.

Bezghin also assures that due to gaps in the legislation, the renaming of a settlement will not automatically entail the renaming of a community. Therefore, there will be no additional costs, including changing the documentation.

Замість важливих речей ми витрачатимемо кошти на зміну документації – депутат Броварської міськради про наслідки можливого перейменування17.07.24, 14:12


At an extraordinary session, deputies of the Brovary City Council almost unanimously decided to support the initiative to preserve the name of the city of Brovary and to appeal to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with a petition to preserve the name of the city of Brovary, taking into account scientific and historical research.

The appeal has already been sent to the Verkhovna Rada.

A resolution to rename Brovary to Brovary was previously registered by a group of MPs led by a representative of the Golos faction, Roman Lozynskyi.

Commenting on the city council's decision, Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko noted that there are three conclusions of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine that the name "Brovary" is historical and should be preserved.

He added that by voting at an extraordinary session, the deputies confirmed the position of the majority of Brovary residents who oppose changing the name of the city.


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