
Iran's new president takes oath of office amid chants of “Death to America and Israel”

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Massoud Peseshkian became the new president of Iran, taking the oath of office amid chants of 'Death to America and Israel'. He promised to improve international relations and ease domestic restrictions, but continued his anti-American rhetoric.

Iran's new president, Massoud Peseshkian, was sworn in on July 30. Amid chants of “Death to America and Israel,” he promised to improve Iran's ties with the world and ease restrictions on social freedoms inside the country, Reuters reports, UNN writes.


“We will continue to engage constructively and effectively with the world, based on dignity, wisdom and expediency,” Pesekian said in a speech to parliament.

According to journalists, the policy of the new Iranian leader has changed little, as Tehran continues to consistently “look for the enemy” in the United States. For example, Iran accuses the United States of supporting what it calls “Israeli crimes in Gaza.

“Those who supply weapons that kill children cannot teach Muslims about humanity,” Pezeshkian said to chants of ”Death to America and Israel!

Білий дім звинуватив Іран у фінансуванні протестів у США26.07.24, 03:34


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