
Invaders bring Russian guards to the occupied territories to fight "extremism" - The Resistance Center

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The invaders are bringing Russian police officers to the TOT to fight the Ukrainian underground under the pretext of fighting "extremism," which in Russia means any dissent against the will of the Kremlin, including love for one's homeland.

The occupiers are bringing policemen from the Russian Guard to the temporarily occupied lands of Ukraine to fight the Ukrainian underground. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports .

The official reason for the increase in the number of police officers is the high level of "extremism" in the TOT. However, in totalitarian Russia, extremism is anything that does not agree with the will of the Kremlin, and in the case of the LTTE, love for one's homeland makes everyone an extremist,

- the statement said.


It is noted that the arrival of police officers is intended to relieve the occupiers' army, which is currently involved in raids against the local population. This will also increase the number of raids in search of underground members.


The population of the temporarily occupied Donetsk region has sharply decreased to half a million due to forced evacuations by the Russian authorities and disappearances caused by filtration measures.


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