
In the United States, the Zelensky couple honored the memory of Holodomor victims

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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the First Lady laid flowers at the Holodomor Memorial in Washington before the NATO Summit, honoring the memory of Ukrainians who died from the 1932-1933 famine and pledging to defend historical justice against the current Russian aggression.

On Tuesday, July 9, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in the United States, where the NATO summit will begin today. The head of state and the first lady laid flowers at the Holodomor monument. UNN reports with reference to the statement of the head of state. 


United States. Today and in the days to come, we will be working at the NATO Summit. We begin our work in Washington by honoring the memory of all our people whose lives were taken by the Holodomor of 1932-1933

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. 

The Head of State added that the memorial to the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine was created near the Congress building in 2015 by the architect of Ukrainian origin Larysa Kurylas.

It was to this monument that the Zelensky couple brought flowers today. 

Now, when another Russian empire is trying to destroy Ukrainians, it is important for us to preserve the memory of previous attempts. Because Ukraine is now defending not only modernity but also historical justice.

- The President of Ukraine is confident. 


The presidential couple also spoke with representatives of the Ukrainian community in the United States. Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted the constant activity and volunteer assistance to Ukrainian soldiers from the community.

He also thanked the Ukrainian community in the United States for its efforts to bring Ukraine closer to NATO membership as soon as possible.

The President's Office said that on Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet with US President Joseph Biden. The President  has also been invited to the 75th Summit of the North Atlantic Alliance and will attend a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council at the level of heads of state and government, and will hold a series of meetings with the leaders of the countries participating in the summit.

In particular, on the sidelines of the event, they will discuss strengthening Ukraine's air defense and cooperation within the fighter jet coalition.

Підтримка України - в центрі уваги під час відкриття саміту НАТО09.07.24, 17:20


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