
In Hawaii, a tourist miraculously survived a fall from a height of 300 meters

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A Californian tourist survived a 305-meter fall from Hawaii's Kulau mountain range and was rescued three days later at the foot of a waterfall by the Honolulu Fire Department. He suffered numerous injuries, including an arm and eye injury.

A tourist from California fell from a height of about 305 meters from a mountain range in Hawaii. The man called his rescue a "miracle" because he managed to survive the the fall and wait for rescuers. This was reported by CNN, according to UNN.

Jan Snyder, 34, went hiking alone on December 4. That day, he fell off the trail from the top of the Ko'olau mountain range. Honolulu rescuers found him three days later, on December 7, at the foot of a waterfall,

- the statement said.


It is noted that on December 7 the Honolulu Fire Department received a call from the Honolulu Police asking for to help find a missing person. Rescuers noticed the missing traveler at the foot of the waterfall and took him to a to a safe place.

Snyder said that on the day he went missing, the top of the trail was steep and the hike was becoming more treacherous.

When I came to, I had no idea what had happened, how much time had passed,

- Snyder said.

He recalled that he was cold when he woke up and he was near a stream. The man stated that he was stretching to get closer to the the stream and sought shelter from the wind between two rocks.

In addition to his injured arm, Snyder also has an eye injury, a chest injury chest and puncture wounds on his legs.


Another death in Kyiv due to fall from a height - a man fell from the top floor of a residential building.

Pavlo Bashynskyi

News of the World


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