
Human rights activists: 150 political prisoners from occupied Crimea are being held in russian colonies

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Currently, according to the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, 150 political prisoners of Crimea are serving their sentences in russian colonies.

There are 150 political prisoners from the temporarily occupied Crimea serving their sentences in russian colonies. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Crimean Tatar Resource Center. 


Currently, according to the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, 150 political prisoners of Crimea are serving their sentences in russian colonies. In total, 305 political prisoners and those persecuted in criminal "cases" during the occupation of Crimea have been recorded, 205 of them are representatives of the Crimean Tatar people

В окупованому Криму російські спецслужби викрали кримського татарина16.11.23, 14:35 • [views_23625]

According to the CTRC, this category consists of 5 components depending on the status of the persecuted person:

- convicted and serving their sentences in colony (150, 99 are Crimean Tatars);

- have restrictions or probation (34, 20 Crimean Tatars);

- in the pre-trial detention center (34, 25 are Crimean Tatars);

- released (54, 34 Crimean Tatars);

- are persecuted (33, 27 are Crimean Tatars).


Also, the Crimean Tatar Resource Center stated that they know about 60 people who died during the occupation of Crimea, 28 of whom were representatives of the Crimean Tatar people. 

In addition, there is information about 23 victims of enforced disappearances during the occupation of Crimea, 17  of whom are representatives of the Crimean Tatar people.


Guerrillas from the ATES movement said that after the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the Novocherkassk landing ship , raids began in Feodosia. Russian security forces have arrived in the city and are trying to find among the locals those who launched the attack on the MCC.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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