
Had been poisoning for three months: 67-year-old man detained for brazen murder in Kyiv

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A man suspected of poisoning his live-in girlfriend in Kyiv for 3 months to take possession of her property has been detained. After the woman's death, the man allegedly took her car and about $20,000, and faces life in prison.

A man suspected of poisoning his live-in girlfriend in Kyiv for 3 months to take possession of her property has been detained. After the woman's death, the man took her car and about $20,000, he faces life imprisonment, the Kyiv Main Police Department reported, UNN writes.


A brazen murder in the capital was solved by investigators and operatives of the Obolon Police Department together with the Criminal Investigation Department of the capital's main department.

The man had been living with the woman for about 15 years, during which the last three months he had been poisoning her with chemicals, putting them in her food and drink. After the woman's death, the attacker tried to take over her apartment, and when he failed, he took the victim's car and about $20,000 and moved to Volyn region

- Kyiv police reported on social media.

It is stated that the capital's law enforcement officers detained a 67-year-old man.

During the search of the apartment, investigators reportedly seized money, the victim's bank card, her Suzuki car, documents and a plastic container with a bulk substance, which was sent for examination.

The investigator served the detainee with a notice of suspicion of premeditated murder for mercenary motives and illegal seizure of a vehicle.

At the request of the investigators, the court imposed on the defendant a measure of restraint in the form of pre-trial detention without alternative, he faces life imprisonment.

Знайдений мертвим голова профспілки автоперевізників Дніпра: за підозрою у вбивстві затримано двох чоловіків25.07.24, 16:30


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