
Georgia starts interrogating volunteers who fought in Ukraine against russia

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The Georgian State Security Service summons Georgian volunteers who fought in Ukraine against russian troops for questioning. They are being interrogated in the case of 'conspiracy to overthrow the government and prepare terrorism'.

The State Security Service of Georgia (SDB) has begun summoning Georgian volunteers who fought in Ukraine against russian troops for questioning. According to UNN and Echo of the Caucasus.


The Tbilisi City Court has already interrogated Lasha Chigladze, an activist of the Anti-Corruption Movement, who, according to media reports, took part in the fighting in Ukraine last year and was awarded a medal for courage.

According to the pro-government Imedi TV channel, Chigladze is being held in a case of "conspiracy to overthrow the government and prepare terrorism". It is unclear what is meant by the second part of the wording, as there is no such article in the Criminal Code of Georgia. The activist's case is classified as secret, and neither Chigladze nor his lawyer can talk about the details of the case.

I was told that a year ago, an investigation was launched related to the coup d'état, and there were some questions about it... (They asked - ed.) when I left, when I came back from Ukraine. There were general questions

- Chigladze said in a commentary to the opposition Mtawari TV channel.

At the same time, lawyer Lasha Tkesheladze called the case political.

This case is absurd, has nothing to do with the law, and Lasha was summoned because he fought in Ukraine against Russia

- Tkesheladze said.


According to News Georgia, another member of the Anti-Corruption Movement who fought in Ukraine, Nadim Khmaladze, reported on Saturday that he was summoned for interrogation. It is not yet known whether the summons is related to the case in which Chigladze is involved. "The KGB is summoning under articles on coup d'etat and terrorism," Khmaladze wrote.

In the coming days, Khmaladze will answer the questions of the SBU in the presence of a judge.

У Грузії понад 120 неурядових організацій подають позов до Конституційного суду через закон про іноагентів17.07.24, 21:45

Anastasia Ryabokon



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