
France is preparing for a naval war with an enemy that "wants to destroy it" - Politico

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France is preparing its naval forces for war against an enemy that wants to destroy it, shifting its focus from previous missions such as intercepting drug traffickers and illegal fishing.

The French Navy decided to change the concept of preparing for a possible war. The focus has shifted from police operations to preparing for confrontation with an enemy who wants to destroy it. This was stated by the commander of the French aircraft carrier battle group, Rear Admiral Jacques Mallard, Politico reports, UNN writes.

Naval combat is becoming more and more likely. We are moving from a world in which we could do whatever we wanted to do to a world in which we feel threatened on a more regular basis. We are now preparing for other missions, including what we call high-intensity warfare,

- Jacques Mallard said.


According to the newspaper, when Mallard joined the armed forces in the 1990s, the main tasks of the French navy were to intercept drug traffickers and fight illegal fishing. Back then, the training consisted of practicing the skills of detaining criminals.

Now, French sailors are training to fight those who want to destroy us. Not with those who want to engage in illegal trade, not with those who want to steal fish, not with those who want to watch us, but with those who want to destroy us,

- Mallar added.


French troops are training intensively for a high-intensity war against a formidable enemy like Russia, combining infantry, armored vehicles, artillery and new technologies such as drones to avoid costly frontal attacks and achieve the combat effectiveness of combined arms units.


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