The weather in Ukraine today is expected to be mostly without precipitation, with sleet and rain in the Carpathians and fog in the west. Temperatures will drop to -2° at night and up to +11° during the day, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN .
According to weather forecasters, November 12 will be without precipitation, with light sleet and rain in the Carpathians during the day. In most western regions there will be fog at night and in the morning.
Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s.
Temperatures range from 3°C to 2°C at night, 2-7°C during the day; in the south of the country, 0-5°C at night, 6-11°C during the day.
Weather forecast for the Kyiv region
No precipitation. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. Temperature at night from 3° C to 2° C, during the day 2-7° C. In Kyiv, the temperature will be 1-3°C at night, 4-6°C during the day.