
European Parliament supports criminalization of circumvention of EU sanctions

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The European Parliament adopted a directive criminalizing the violation and circumvention of EU sanctions, establishing uniform definitions and minimum penalties for such offenses.

The European Parliament adopted a directive (EU regulatory document - ed.) criminalizing the violation and circumvention of EU sanctions. The document describes the general definition and minimum penalties for violations. UNN reports this with reference to the press service of the European Parliament.


Reportedly, the document was supported by 543 deputies, 45 were against it, and 27 abstained.

The new document establishes uniform definitions of sanctions violations, including refusal to freeze funds, failure to comply with travel bans or arms embargoes, transferring funds to sanctioned persons, or doing business with state-owned enterprises of restricted countries.

Необхідно повністю заблокувати постачання західних технологій до росії – Генпрокурор07.03.24, 18:46

As noted, the provision of financial or legal advisory services in violation of sanctions will also be considered a crime punishable by law.

The text of the document also defines the term "circumvention of sanctions". As an example, MEPs cite the concealment or transfer of funds that should be frozen. The document clarifies that humanitarian aid or support for basic human needs should not be considered a violation of sanctions.

The Directive ensures that the penalties for sanctions violations and circumventions are dissuasive, as they are considered criminal offenses in all EU Member States, with a maximum prison sentence of five years. When companies violate or circumvent sanctions, judges should be able to impose dissuasive fines, although Member States can choose whether the judge can impose the maximum fine based on the company's global annual turnover or on absolute maximum amounts

- the document says.

As noted, the new law will provide judges with a wide range of means to punish violators. In addition to intentional violations, trade in arms or dual-use goods will also be criminalized in cases of serious negligence.


Now the law must be approved by the European Council. It will enter into force twenty days after publication in the Official Journal of the EU, after which member states will have one year to transpose it into national law.

У Фінляндії винесено перший вирок бізнесменові за порушення санкцій ЄС щодо рф07.03.24, 11:31

To add

The cooperation of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise and foreign media resulted in the arrest of three people in the Netherlands who were supplying military goods to Russia in violation of sanctions.

"We are sincerely grateful to the international investigators whose professional activities help to block Russian routes of illegal supply of foreign microelectronics to equip enemy missiles and drones. Among the latter, we have a successful case of cooperation with journalists from the Netherlands. Their investigation led to the arrest of three people as part of a multinational investigation into an international smuggling network that was working to circumvent European sanctions against Russia. Such small local steps help to increase the effectiveness of sanctions pressure on the aggressor country," said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.


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