
Enemy shelled residential areas of Kherson in the afternoon

 • 31512 переглядiв

Occupants from the left bank attacked the Korabelny district of Kherson, hitting residential areas. Social workers of the city military administration have already visited the site of the attack and talked to the victims.

Russian troops attacked Kherson's Korabelny district today, hitting residential areas, Roman Mrochko, head of the Kherson CMA, said on Monday, UNN reports.


"In the afternoon, the enemy attacked the Korabelny district of Kherson from the temporarily occupied left bank. Residential areas were hit," Mrochko wrote on Telegram.

According to him, social workers of the Kherson City Military Administration have already visited the site of the shelling and talked to the victims.

Армія рф зранку обстріляла Кізомис на Херсонщині: є поранений29.07.24, 09:57

Julia Shramko



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