
December 3: International Pesticide Control Day, World Ice Skating Day

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Today, on December 3, at the initiative of environmental activists in many countries around the world, events are taking place on the occasion of the International Day Against against Pesticides, UNN reports.

On the night of December 3, 1984, in the Indian city of Bhopal, India, a tank exploded at a pesticide plant. According to official data, 500 employees of the enterprise were killed. Another two thousand people died in the following weeks due to chemical died in the following weeks.

According to unofficial statistics, the victims of the Bhopal tragedy, which is called one of the largest man-made disasters of the twentieth century, were more than 20 thousand people.

The purpose of today's event is to draw public attention to the problems caused by the production and use of toxic chemical compounds.

Since 1998, the third of December has been celebrated as the Day of Computer graphics.

The event was initiated by one of the American companies. And the date of the celebration was chosen not by chance -  in honor of the abbreviation for three-dimensional graphics (3D). The number 3 and D stand for December (which is translated from English as December).

You can still join the Ice Skating Day today. The event was initiated by the International Skating Union to to popularize ice skating as an active form of recreation and a way to sporting achievements.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. John the the Silent One.

He was born into a wealthy family in the sixth century. After After the death of his parents, John gave away all his possessions to the poor, became a novice at the monastery of St. Sava in Jerusalem, and took a vow of silence.

Later, he left the monastery and secluded himself in the desert. He had the gift of healing and prophecy. He lived to be 100 years old.

Name days on December 3 are celebrated by Ivan, Andriy, George, Mykola, Sava, and Xenia.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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