
Debris removal at Dnipro HPP will take about a week - Syrota

 • 57195 переглядiв

According to Ukrhydroenergo CEO Ihor Syrota, the debris removal at the Dnipro hydroelectric power plant will take about a week. After that, it will be possible to assess the consequences of the shelling. It will take years to fully restore the damaged Dnipro hydroelectric power plant after the Russian missile attack, as the engine room needs to be completely rebuilt and many units need to be manufactured from scratch.

Rapid restoration of DniproHES is not possible, only after the rubble in the engine room is cleared will it be possible to talk in more detail about the consequences. Ihor Syrota, CEO of Ukrhydroenergo, said this on Espresso , UNN reports.

Unfortunately, repairing the damage to DniproHES is not a matter of a very short time. Today, we are still trying to dismantle the remains of the ceiling and walls of the machine room, which are broken and tilted. Therefore, we cannot dismantle the turbine hall until we dismantle the ceiling, which is over 35 meters high, so that we can dismantle the rubble in the turbine hall. 

 ," says Ihor Syrota.


Syrota said that the station was hit by more than 6 rockets that damaged the road surface and the crane beams, where the crane is located to raise the gates to regulate water.

I think we will be able to dismantle all the rubble within a week, and then we will be able to talk about the consequences in more detail. But there are a lot of hits to the units themselves, equipment has been burned, so there is a lot of work to be done. Today it is not yet possible to estimate the time and financial costs.

- He added.

According to him, he and the head of the All-Ukrainian Association Ivan Fedorov held a meeting in Zaporizhzhia on March 23 and asked the State Emergency Service to help eliminate the blockage.

Then we will clear the rubble and see, because today's superficial inspection makes it clear that it will take years to restore it to the state of the design solution. We will not be able to restore this station quickly.

- added the CEO of Ukrhydroenergo.

According to him, there are units that need to be manufactured completely from scratch, which takes 18 to 24 months. In addition, dismantling and installation takes time.

We understand the timeframe we are working within to restore the station. I'm not talking about the fact that we will need to completely restore the engine room, i.e. build a new engine room. And we will also see what is happening on the 4 floors below the station, where the depth is 25-30 meters, but this is after the rubble has been cleared. Then we will be able to give a rough estimate of the cost of what is needed in about 10 days.

- Ihor Syrota concluded.

На відновлення ДніпроГЕС потрібні роки - гендиректор Укргідроенерго25.03.24, 16:12


Despite Russia's largest missile attack on Ukrainian energy facilities, including the Dnipro hydroelectric power plant, experts believethat the situation is not critical, and the damage caused does not have a significant impact on the country's overall energy consumption.


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