
Czechs and Slovaks donate 400 thousand euros for Black Hawk for Ukraine's Defence Intelligence in a week

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Over the past week, Czechs and Slovaks have donated more than 400,000 euros for a Black Hawk helicopter worth 4.3 million euros for the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. The helicopter is ready for combat and will be handed over by the Czech Ministry of Defense after full funding

Czechs and Slovaks raised 400 thousand euros in a week for a Black Hawk helicopter for the soldiers of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine. UNN reports this with reference to the GUR.

The Czech initiative "A Gift for Putin" has announced a collection for the purchase of a Black Hawk helicopter for the soldiers of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. In the first week, concerned Czechs and Slovaks donated more than 400,000 euros for the helicopter. Its total cost is about 4.3 million euros, the DIU reported on Telegram.


According to the organizers, the helicopter has already been inspected by aviation experts from Ukraine - it is in good condition and ready to perform combat missions.

The DIU noted that as soon as the necessary amount of money is raised, the Czech Ministry of Defense will deliver the Black Hawk to Ukrainian intelligence officers.

"The DIU already has one such helicopter in its fleet, which helps to perform combat and special missions, missions to deliver military cargo and personnel, conduct electronic warfare, and evacuate the wounded. Earlier, as part of the "gift for Putin" initiative, the Czechs have already pledged to purchase 15 Viktor air defense systems, a T-72 tank and RM-70 MLRS for the Ukrainian Armed Forces for a total cost of $2.3 million," the report said.


Czechs raised more than $133 thousand in one day for a Black Hawk helicopter for Ukraine.

Anna Murashko



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