
Consequences of Russia's massive attack on Kharkiv: serious damage, planned blackouts are possible - RMA

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Russia's massive attack on Kharkiv caused serious damage to the energy infrastructure. The UIA called for preparations for a possible repeated blackout.

 For the second day in a row, the consequences of a massive enemy attack on the energy infrastructure of Kharkiv region have been being eliminated. The damage is serious. Temporary scheduled power outages are possible. This was announced by the head of the regional power company Oleh Syniehubov on Saturday during a telethon, UNN reports


According to him, the Russian army fired 22 missiles of various types at Kharkiv region, including S-300 guided missiles and  ballistic missiles from the Iskander air defense system. 

The damage is really serious. Some residents of Kharkiv can see the results of the work of specialists who work without rest in their homes. But there is still plenty of work to be done. We plan to reach the peak capacity soon

- Syniehubov said. 

The head of the RMA stressed that it is necessary to prepare in advance for a possible repeated loss of power: charge power banks, stock up on drinking and industrial water, as well as food. 

Syniehubov also said that power engineers are asking to reduce the load on the grid so that as many people as possible have light in their homes. Do not use powerful electrical devices at the same time, if possible, turn on appliances outside of peak hours.

Temporary planned outages are also possible for technical reasons to connect as many consumers as possible.

Вночі ворожі БПЛА атакували енергооб’єкти на Дніпропетровщині, дефіцит електрики не прогнозується - енергетики 23.03.24, 11:47


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