
Budanov explains why there were no Azov fighters among those released from captivity on January 3

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Budanov admits that Russia has refused to release Azov fighters in order to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, but promises that all will be returned.

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, commented on the "United News" telethon on why no soldiers of the Azov regiment were present during the exchange of prisoners of war on January 3. He also promised that Ukraine would return all its prisoners of war, reports UNN


The host recalled the words of Azov commander Denys Prokopenko that 900 Azov soldiers are still in captivity and asked whether this means that the Russians do not want to give up the Azov soldiers.


That's exactly right. Russia is playing its usual game, it is trying to play a card... This issue (the return of the Azovs - ed.) is very tense. Society perceives it very painfully. And they dream that playing on this topic will give them some benefit in terms of destabilizing our country. This is not the case. I would like to remind you that even the commanders of the Azov regiment were returned, which no one ever believed in and thought was unrealistic. But the facts speak for themselves. And over time, all of them will be brought back

said the head of the DIU.

We will remind

On January 3, the largest exchange of prisoners of war during the full-scale invasion took place: 230 Ukrainian men and women were released.

ГУР під час рейду на бєлгородщину поранили "знакову особу" - Буданов05.01.24, 23:03

Lilia Podolyak



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