
Borrell hopes that today's meeting of EU ministers will lead to concrete steps to support Ukraine

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EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell hopes that today's meeting of EU foreign ministers will lead to concrete steps to support Ukraine, as the bloc is working daily to analyze the situation and prepare solutions to help Kyiv.

EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell hopes that today's meeting of EU ministers will result in concrete steps to support Ukraine. He told journalists about this when he arrived at the meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on Monday, UNN reports.

I hope [so]

- Borrell said when asked about Ukraine, whether we can expect concrete steps today, as foreign ministers are constantly talking meeting after meeting: "We need to do more." 

He indicated that the defense and foreign ministers would meet today "because we need to make the point on the capacity of the EU Member States to increase the support to Ukraine.

"You know that we have been giving a lot of warnings, letters, asking them to see what we can do. We need more ammunition. We need more launchers, [but] launchers without the interceptors is like a cannon [or] like a gun without ammunition. We need both. We need to supply interceptors to the batteries that they already have, and increase the number of batteries. And let’s see what the Member States are able to supply, because in Brussels we do not have [it], it is the Member States who have it," Borrell said.

When asked how long it would take to step up and do something more for Ukraine, the EU High Representative replied: "Look, we are working for Ukraine every day, not only the day there is a Council. We prepare decisions, we inform the Member States, we analyse the situation, we present requests, we see what they can do. It is not just because there is a Council - and I understand that it is the day of the press - but to support Ukraine, we work every day."

"And today is the day for the Member States to see what they can do, which are the needs and if, definitely, they are able to present proposals. But I cannot tell you before, I will tell you after [the meeting]," Borrell emphasized.

ЄС візьме на себе естафету підтримки України після рішення про допомогу США - Bloomberg22.04.24, 11:55


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