
Biden says he is ready for the second debate with Trump and it is scheduled for September

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Joe Biden confirmed that he will take part in the debate with Donald Trump again in September, saying that he is ready to answer any question without notes or a teleprompter.

US President Joe Biden is ready to hold another debate with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. They have previously agreed that the second debate will take place in September. Joe Biden said this in an interview with NBC News, UNN reports.

I'm going to debate him. And I agreed to debate him in September

- Biden said.

When interviewer Lester Holt asked Biden if he wanted to "get back on the horse," the president said he was already "on the horse.

I took part in 22 major events, met thousands of people, with huge crowds. A lot of things are happening. I'm on a horse. I'm going out and showing the American people that I have all my abilities, that I don't need notes. I don't need a TV program - I can go out and answer any question

- Biden said.

Speaking about the previous debate, Biden said that he "doesn't plan to do another speech at this level.


US President Joe Biden admittedthat he "screwed up" and "made a mistake" during the debate with Trump in late June. During the debate, Biden looked unwell and was often distracted. After the speech, the White House issued a statement saying that President Biden's health and ability to serve had been reviewed and assured that he was still fit to serve as president and run for a second term. 

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