
Biden condemns russian detention of American journalist on espionage charges

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American journalist Evan Gershkowitz was detained in russia on espionage charges, prompting condemnation from President Biden and other U.S. officials, who called it an unfair attempt to use Americans as bargaining chips.

Biden condemned the russian detention of American journalist Evan Hershkovich on espionage charges. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


On Friday, U.S. President Joe Biden expressed a strong position on the arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Hershkovich in russia.

In his statement, he condemned russia's "appalling attempts" to use Americans as bargaining chips, recalling the case of Gershkovich.

The leaders of both Congressional parties also issued a joint statement condemning Gershkovich's arrest as unjustified and unfair.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called the arrest "repressive" and also condemned the detention of another American, Paul Whelan, in Moscow in 2018.


Currently, the American journalist is being held in moscow's Lefortovo prison, and his detention has been extended until June 30.


Gershkovich was arrested on March 29 last year on espionage charges, making him the first American journalist to be detained in russia for this since the Cold War.

Ще на три місяці: московський суд продовжив термін арешту журналіста WSJ Евана Гершковича23.05.23, 17:34 • [views_475650]


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