
Bezghin on the PIC meeting on the Kyiv subway: consideration of these issues is unlikely to be completed before April

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Today, the first meeting of the PIC to investigate the effectiveness of the work of Kyiv public authorities regarding the closed Kyiv Metro stations was held. Bezghin noted that all the issues were not resolved at today's meeting of the PIC, so it will continue.

Several more PIC meetings will be needed to go through the case of the subway. It is unlikely that the consideration of issues related to the Kyiv subway will be completed before April. This was reported to UNN by Vitaliy Bezghin, MP and head of the PIC to investigate the effectiveness of Kyiv public authorities.

"We thought and expected that in one meeting we would come to an understanding about the six stations being closed. Now it is obvious that we will need at least several meetings just to go through the case of the subway. I think that we are unlikely to complete consideration of these issues before April, but I hope that it will be a comprehensive analysis with a comprehensive identification of the causes and an understanding of what to do next to keep the system running smoothly," Bezgin said.

Bezghin also explained how the PIC works.

"There are areas of activity. There are activities related to some industries, and others. There are urban planning issues, there are issues of veteran policy inclusion. There are members of the temporary special commission assigned to these areas. As soon as they have cases ready to be analyzed and presented in a public way, with expertise and all the data, we will bring them to the meeting. Perhaps some meetings will be devoted to several parallel topics, but it is now clear that even 2 hours of meeting time is not enough," Bezgin said.

In addition, he commented on the issue of the Bortnytsia aeration plant, which is in an emergency state. Back in 2015, Ukraine and Japan signed an agreement to provide a loan of about $1 billion for the reconstruction of this station.

"Bortnychi is definitely a priority. It's a long-standing story, and there are potential Japanese partners who have long been ready to invest billions in it. In fact, in our subjective assessment, it is being sabotaged by the Kyiv city authorities. If I'm not mistaken, there are 90% of accidents there. Something needs to be done about it, because Kyiv residents will suffer," Bezgin said.


Today, the first meeting of the PIC to investigate the effectiveness of the work of Kyiv public authorities regarding the closed Kyiv Metro stations was held. Bezghin noted that all the issues were not resolved at today's meeting of the PIC, so it will continue.

"Objectively, we have not exhausted the issues of this case today and will continue. We will formulate appropriate appeals to the KCSA. I think this is the right thing to do," Bezgin said.

Кличко повідомив, коли планується завершення ремонтних  робіт "синьої гілки" метро21.03.24, 18:25


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