
April Fools' Day, Instant Coffee Day. What else can be celebrated on the first day of April

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Today, on April Fool's Day, millions of people around the world join in celebrating April Fool's Day. Several other humorous holidays are associated with this event.

Today, on April Fool's Day, millions of people around the world join in celebrating April Fool's Day. Several other humorous holidays are associated with this event, UNN writes.

The origin of April Fools' Day is not known for certain.  

According to one version, the event was founded in ancient Rome, during the reign of Emperor Constantine. According to the legend, the ruler was once in a good mood and lent his title to a court jester, albeit only for one day.

The jester immediately took advantage of his position and issued a decree to organize a merry holiday with disguises. Since then, April Fools' Day has become a day of unexpected pranks.

On the occasion of April Fool's Day in 1996, the Fun at Work Day was launched.

The event is aimed at fostering friendly relations in the workplace and promoting the development of creative abilities through humor.

On this day, it is customary to organize fun competitions, raffles, various games, etc. Fun Day at work is designed to create a positive mood for every employee.

Today you can also join the Funny Reading Day. The event is a humorous reminder of the importance of reading.

It is quite simple to join the event: choose a literary work with a humorous plot, invite your friends, and read it out loud together.

Today is still a holiday for all instant coffee lovers. It was on April 1, 1938, that Swiss Max Mogenthaler presented instant coffee, which he had been working on for more than seven years.

Instant coffee is very popular because of its speed and ease of preparation. After all, the whole recipe consists of pouring the required amount of granules into a cup and pouring boiling water over it. Instant coffee is made from coffee beans, which are transformed into granules or powder by dehydration.

On April 1, ornithologists celebrate their unofficial professional holiday. The event, which is also called Bird Day, is dedicated to the signing of the International Convention for the Protection of Birds of Beneficial Use in Agriculture on April 1, 1902.

At the moment, science knows almost 11 thousand species of birds, of which more than 150  are endangered.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of Mary of Egypt, who lived in the fifth century.

According to legend, Mariia ran away from home at a young age and lived in prostitution for almost 20 years.

Once a woman wanted to enter a temple in Jerusalem, but an invisible force did not let her in. It was only after praying to the icon of the Mother of God that she was able to enter the church.

Afterwards, Mary realized her sinfulness and secluded herself in the desert for almost 50 years, where she spent almost all her time in prayer.

Maria and Marko celebrate their name days today.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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